Real-Time Progress Monitoring + Timely Course Correction Insight

Why CEOtally?
Chief executives’ information needs are quite different from those of any other role in an organization. Rather than getting data tailored to their role, they often have to sift through reams of outdated data to extract the relevant insight they need to make informed and timely resource reallocation and course correction decisions.
Alternatively, reliance on ad hoc reports is sporadic and time-consuming and disrupts core functions. CEOtally instead provides the means for a constant stream of insight limited in scope and tailored to the needs of the Chief Executive. Providing valuable information directly to the CEO becomes integral to the job.
Compliant data entry from staff is often an issue with analytics; nevertheless, since CEOtally’s information goes directly to the CEO, combined with the application’s accountability function, there is a strong compliance impetus.

Earliest Indicators at a Glance
Where Do We Stand Now?

CEOtally provides a running tally of the Early Warning Indicators. The chart shows the percentage variance between the year-to-date actuals and the year-to-date budget as the baseline. Supporting numbers are provided.
What is Our Trend?

This chart shows the trend for the current quarter. A left or right swipe shows past and upcoming quarters in terms of forecasts. Clicking a column reveals the details and a breakdown of the line items and their effect on the overall results.
Where Will We Be at Year End?

As important as knowing where the organization stands now, Chief Executives want to know what the year-end will look like. This requires extending the tally into the quarters ahead by having those assigned with data entry make forecasts about the aspects of the business they are involved in.
Where Are We Coming Short?

CEOtally can collect data as granular as is deemed useful. You can, therefore, record only overall sales or specify sales by product, region, or both. This enables you to drill down to identify where key indicators are coming short and implement corrective measures where needed.
Forecast Accountability

CEOtally ensures that the team is accountable for forecast accuracy regardless of how they arrived at those numbers. CEOtally keeps track of individual and collective forecast accuracy, which becomes a key factor of accountability by discouraging bias and encouraging continual improvement in forecasting accuracy.
Where to Improve Accuracy?

CEOtally also tracks each forecaster’s accuracy improvements over time. It contrasts short-term, mid-term, and long-term forecasts on a week-ahead basis, providing a more useful view of where forecast accuracy can be improved.
Baked-In Flexibility
Additional CEOtally Modules
Two additional modules will be added to CEOtally’s Profitability module, the Risk and Value modules. All three modules share the same platform and integrate within the same CEOtally application. Each module will be accessible, if purchased, by simply swiping left or right on the top half of the screen.
Risk Module
Risk management is critical for every organization that wants to preserve value and profitability. CEOtally’s risk module will help keep organizations’ various risks within the “sweet spot range” where risk mitigation is sufficient without curtailing opportunity too much. CEOtally tracks the progress of mitigating efforts while also flagging newly identified risks.

Value Module
Creating value is any organization’s raison d’être, but ensuring continual improvement is all too often left to chance. CEOtally’s value module helps manage incremental value initiatives from all stakeholders’ perspectives. Continually creating value is the strongest competitive stance any organization can take.

Identity & Data Security
It was clear from the start that there was no point in building CEOtally unless CEOs could independently gain confidence in data security and the protection of their corporate identity. Therefore, it was imperative for us to develop the platform with a data security and privacy system that CEOs could trust. This system does not, at any time, transfer or store corporate identifiers on cloud data servers.
- Since the data stored on the cloud servers and in transition is deidentified, even if decrypted, no unauthorized person can attribute it to the company.
- If someone obtains a user ID and password, they will not be able to run the application unless they have the most recent PLF file controlled by the CEO.
- Staff who contribute data to the application (e.g., salesperson) are limited to the data submission part of the application for the line items assigned to them.
- Former employees can only log in if their credentials are left active and they have access to the most recent PLF file.
- Since none of the identifiers are transferred to the servers, even the HelmVantage staff cannot identify the data unless the CEO provides the PLF file.

Return On Investment
As soon as CEOtally makes at least one half-hour of meetings per month unnecessary, it has already paid for itself.
CEOtally reduces exploratory time spent in meetings to pinpoint and search for the cause of getting off track. With CEOtally, the CEO can address the issues directly with the people involved without the need to call meetings and involve unrelated team members. Cultivating forecasting accountability also limits crisis meeting time down the road.
Even though the financial returns from seized opportunities and timely course corrections are difficult to quantify, the early warning-focused CEOtally offers undeniable opportunities for earnings growth and responsive resource allocations.

CEOtally Pricing
Annual Revenue - USD
1st Module Included
Each Additional Module at $60/month
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Contributors
Unlimited Divisions
Unlimited Line Items
* The first 3 months may be paid monthly
Annual Revenue - USD
1st Module Included
Each Additional Module at $120/month
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Contributors
Unlimited Divisions
Unlimited Line Items
* The first 3 months may be paid monthly
Annual Revenue - USD
1st Module Included
Each Additional Module at $220/month
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Contributors
Unlimited Divisions
Unlimited Line Items
* The first 3 months may be paid monthly
Annual Revenue - USD
1st Module Included
Each Additional Module at $320/month
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Contributors
Unlimited Divisions
Unlimited Line Items
* The first 3 months may be paid monthly
Annual Revenue - USD
1st Module Included
Each Additional Module at $420/month
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Contributors
Unlimited Divisions
Unlimited Line Items
* The first 3 months may be paid monthly
About HelmVantage
Helm Vantage is a young company with extensive experience in serving the needs of CEOs across various sectors, as well as in value creation, application development, process design, and data security. The company provides tailored information solutions for CEOs, automating key processes to ensure accountability, timely reporting, and effective collaboration. Over the past two years, HelmVantage has developed a software platform specifically dedicated to supporting the CEO’s role. A suite of applications is currently in development and will be released from this platform soon. CEOtally is the first application from this suite to be released.